Tuesday, March 16, 2010

What would be the BEST wax to treat BLACK paint in automobiles?

Black cars are just elegant and beautiful but anything can just put a scratch in the black paint and it shows. I usually use KIT carnauba its good and I just tried that new ICE wax but I really didn't like very much. What can be recommended?What would be the BEST wax to treat BLACK paint in automobiles?
When I was in college, I worked as a car detailer at some dealerships in the area. Car Brite has a wax and polishing system available. However if you are not able to get these products, then I would try Zymol. I am told that this is the products that Lamborghini recommends on their vehicles. I have never used it. No matter what you use, be sure to use the wax to protect the clearcoat last then use the polish to brighten the clearcoat first. If you have ';spider web'; like scratches on the finish, you can use a light cut type of buffing compound to take them out. If that doesn't do then try a heavier compound until you get the results you are looking for.What would be the BEST wax to treat BLACK paint in automobiles?
Thank you. Zymol is a very good product. Like I said though, Car Brite and Malco are professional grade products. They will be more pricey. But you get what you pay for. Good luck.

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The Best thing to put on a black car is VaporWax

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I agree there is nothing better for black than VaporWax.


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you'll thank me for this it;s called MC qrires at auto zone or advance auto. ask them they will give you the right one this stuff is un freakin beleivable. for black cars. also simonize works well but not as good.
TOP Show cars all over the world use MEGUIARS.. Absolutely brilliant stuff. Comprehensive dvd range of instructions for every product.

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