Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How do I convince my neighbor to paint his house?

It's a great old century home that, unfortunately, has become the eyesore of the neighborhood and is bringing down neighboring property values. I considered offering to help him scrape and paint his house this summer, but I don't want to seem intrusive. Any ideas on how to approach this? He's a nice guy, so I don't want to offend him.How do I convince my neighbor to paint his house?
I'd just bring it up..say hey have you ever thought about painting your house? I think it would really stand out nicely.How do I convince my neighbor to paint his house?
Offer to help but never bring up the issue of bringing down the property values. You'd seem like a money grubber. Could be he has health problems, financial problems or just overwhelmed by the prospect of doing the house.

Offer once. Don't push it. He might respond by never painting it just to get back at you or the neighborhood.
It is none of your business. You do not pay the mortgage, or the taxes. Keep to yourself!
Just tell him that his house is the eyesore of the neighborhood and it's bringing down the property values. I wish I owned the house. I'd spend extra money to make it look even worse because it's none of your business.
The first thing that you should do is check with your city or town hall for the rules and regulations about upkeep of property. There are regulations that most property owners have to adhere to.

If these are being broken by your neighbor not repainting his house, the city or town can force him to do so.

He may really want to have the house repainted, but may not have the funds or time to do so. Check with the town, see what they can do and then make your offer of helping him after you have pursued that avenue.

Good luck.
Get black ink and throw it on couple of his walls, tell him that you are sorry and you will help him painting it.
you could do some research to see the history of this house. tell him how great the house is from an arcitechual prospective, and how nice it would be to restore its exterior to its original paint. tell him that you can go to most paint stores and get historical colors that will suit his house, and some stores can analyze the paint to see what the original color was. you might tell him that you have a pressures washer, and you are willing to pressure wash his house , because you enjoy doing this. pressure washing will work , and it is less time consuming than scraping. even if u have to rent one . this may give him some encouragement to do his house. tell him if u want it will be worth more money, because century homes are in demand now . hope this helps good luck if he cant afford it, maybe you , or some neighbors , with his consent, can have a garage sale for the paint.
In the middle of the night, paint an erect phallus on the side of it in orange spray paint. I guarantee he'll paint it by the next weekend. Just don't get caught.
Have you ever put this to mind he or she can't afford to paint it. just a ask ? ash him what do you think it would cost to paint this house maybe every one on the block can pitch in and hepl them out and think about this they may need 2 to 3 colors to please your eye I bet it will cost from scrapping to sanding to repairing any bad wood too painting it about 4 to 8 thousand thats why it looks like that round up the block people and chip in maybe they don't have the money
I think you need to first consider why he doesn't keep up his house. Is it because he is lazy? Because he doesn't place the same value you do on having a visually appealing house? Because he is really busy with work or family obligations? Because he doesn't have the money to pay someone to paint it? Because he thinks he lacks the skills for the job? Before approaching him, I think you should consider his situation. I think it would be OK to tell him that you would be willing to help him if he ever needs your help with painting the house. Beyond that, remember that he has the freedom to keep his house as nice or as dumpy as he wants within reason.

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